The votive chapel of St Fabian and St Sebastian was erected by the votaries of Podstrana in 1962, after a plague epidemic that had devastated Podstrana thirty years ago disappeared from the region. They built it on a path that led from the village of Podstrana to Split, i.e. ˝the place where the plague, on its arrival from Split, stepped on a thorn and returned to the city˝.

Two centuries later, the chapel was demolished with the permission of the church authorities, and the construction of a new chapel according to the design of the parish priest of the day, Vjekoslav Frue, began in 1927. The new chapel was completed in 1939.

The chapel is built from rectangular chiselled stones.  On the front of the building is a stone opening in the shape of a cross, and a belfry with one bell on the top. On the side walls are two arch windows, and on the rear wall there is a rectangular apse. In the niche behind the altar there is a wooden statue of St Sebastian, which is the only element of the interior of the old chapel that has remained preserved.