The toponymy of Podstrana and Žrnovnica has preserved unique, extremely valuable traces of Old Slavic beliefs, which were brought to this area by the first Croats. These toponyms are the oldest testaments to Croatian presents (7th and 8th century) on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and, together with several other similar localities located along the Adriatic coast and in the hinterland, provide insight into the ancient culture and idiosyncratic worldview of the Croatian people before Christianisation.
Roman military commander and governor - the mythical king Arthur
Cultural heritage tourism
The toponymy of Podstrana and Žrnovnica has preserved unique, extremely valuable traces of Old Slavic beliefs, which were brought to this area by the first Croats.
Cultural  heritage tourism
Cycling trails
Cycling trails in Podstrana
Cycling trails
The cuisine of Podstrana comprises Mediterranean dishes and autochthonous specialties from Podstrana and Poljica
Holidays for the entire family
In Podstrana, both guests in their golden years and families with small children will be able to find everything they need
Holidays for the entire family
Religious tourism
Religious tourism
Cultural events
Every year during June, July and August, a wide variety of cultural events are organised in Podstrana as part of the Summer of Culture
Cultural events
Sports events
Several sports associations are active in Podstrana and are dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle, particularly among youth
Sports events
Music events
The several men’s and women’s ˝klapa˝ a capella groups that are active in Podstrana
Music events
Art events
The art association Ante Kaštelančić, named after the great 20th-century Croatian painter born in Podstrana
Art events
Folk celebrations
Podstrana has every reason to be proud of its Dalmatian and Poljica heritage
Folk celebrations
Theatre shows and plays
Podstrana is surrounded by many intriguing locations that can be reached in less than half an hour in any direction. Visit the magical river Žrnovnica, Diocletian’s imperial city of Split, the royal town of Solin, the magnificent karst river Cetina, the picturesque mediaeval town of Omiš, or the popular day trip destination of Mosor.
A local travel agency organises excellent recreational kayak rides
Perun climbing area
Located on the southern mountain cliffs under Velikim Perunom (448 m)
Perun climbing area
Hiking trails
Hiking in Podstrana does not require a lot of effort, and is the best way to tour the region and discover all its natural and cultural assets. Marked hiking trails begin in Strožanac, near Perun quarry, in Mutogras and in Gornja Podstrana, and are connected with the northern side of Perun hill.
Hiking trails
Walking trail
The promenade by the Žrnovnica river leads along its left bank, from its mouth all the way to Antonica’s Mill in the neighbouring village of Žrnovnica
Walking trail
Cycling trails
Cycling trails in Podstrana
Cycling trails
With its population of 10 thousand with average age of 34, the municipality of Podstrana is not only among the youngest municipalities in Croatia, but is also among the most attractive ones – more than half of Podstrana’s population consists of newcomers, out of which one fifth arrived from other countries or abroad. Owing to immigration, the population of Podstrana increased tenfold in less than one hundred years
The palette of the landscapes of Podstrana is truly remarkable: from the mountain peaks and the southern slopes of Perun, to the sea coast and aquatorium and the mouth and banks of the river Žrnovnica
Cultural heritage
The toponymy of Podstrana and Žrnovnica has preserved unique, extremely valuable traces of Old Slavic beliefs, which were brought to this area by the first Croats
Cultural heritage
Enjoying the sea and beaches is one of the main assets of Croatian tourism, and the coast and waters of Podstrana are among the cleanest in the entire country
Perun hill
Towards the northeast, Podstrana is fully sheltered by the slopes of Perun hill (Križ 533 m), which abound in the remains of Illyrian culture, the traces of pre-Slavic mythology and mediaeval chapels and graveyards that are commonly decorated with Antique fragments
Perun hill
Facilities in the household
Facilities in the household
Commercia facilities
Commercia facilities
Houses with pools
Houses with pools
We are happy and proud that Podstrana got the opportunity to introduce its gastronomy in the gastronomy guide “Eat in Podstrana”, which made it possible for all the hospitality professionals from Podstrana to introduce their cuisine and dishes through words and pictures. Whether you are staying in Podstrana or somewhere nearby, join the embrace of Perun and enjoy at the table set within the magical ambience provided by the rich natural and cultural heritage of Podstrana! Try the food and drinks selected for you by the hospitality professionals from Podstrana.
Eat in Podstrana
Eat in Podstrana
Travel agencies
Travel agencies
Public transport
Public transport

Did you know?

With its population of 10 thousand with average age of 34, the municipality of Podstrana is not only among the youngest municipalities in Croatia, but is also among the most attractive ones – more than half of Podstrana’s population consists of newcomers, out of which one fifth arrived from other countries or abroad. Owing to immigration, the population of Podstrana increased tenfold in less than one hundred years.


If you stay in Podstrana, you’ll reap all the benefits of a countryside holiday in the very heart of the Adriatic coast, at a location from which most of the must-see attractions and destinations in Central Dalmatia are easily accessible. As they are either located by the sea or on the slopes of the mythical Perun hill, most of Podstrana’s accommodation facilities boast truly impressive views, while also providing you with the opportunity to set out on a boat trip or kayak ride, or perhaps a on trail or path that leads to one of Podstrana’s many attractions or towards an attraction outside the municipality – from your very doorstep


The early mediaeval legend of King Arthur most likely originates from the life of one Roman from Podstrana, an eminent military commander and governor of the province of Liburnia, buried in a lavish grave in the Roman Pituntium, today the village of St Martin. The original tombstone bearing the name of Lucius Artorius Castus and a list of his important military and political functions is today kept in the Church of St Martin.
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Dragi naši mještani, neka nam je svima sretna 2025. godina! 🎉✨Mi smo u Podstrani, pripremajući se za Božić 🎄, staru godinu polako ispraćali u prošlost. Ovogodišnji Advent bilo je naše treće i, nadamo se, dosad najuspjelije nastojanje da vrijeme došašća učinimo istinskom prigodom da se u ozračju obiteljske prisnosti i radosnog iščekivanja Božića družimo u izvanobiteljskom krugu sa svim svojim sumještanima i gostima.Novu godinu dočekali smo s dobrodošlicom i u veselju. Sve je prštalo, vatromet 🎆 i radost 😄. Znamo da ćete se svi s time složiti. 😊Naši su najmlađi Novu godinu dočekali u poslijepodnevnim satima uz Čarobne animatore 🎭🎈 i bilo im je "super"! 🎉Odrasli su uživali u nezaboravno dobroj glazbenoj atmosferi s našim Mirom Boemom 🎤🎶 i Zlatkom Pejakovićem. 🎸🎵Od srca želimo svima nama radost i uspjeh na svim životnim poljima! ❤️Vaša Turistička zajednica Općine Podstrana ... See MoreSee Less
Prepuno Petrićevo dočelao je Dječju novu godinu uz Čarobne animatore.Puno sreće, dječijih osmjeha i veselja 🥰😍Sretna nova godina svima! ... See MoreSee Less
Naslovna slika od Visit Podstrana ... See MoreSee Less